Messy Church Saturday 19 August 2023


Messy Church is an alternative style church service. It is a space where we gather, kōrero, eat and engage in creative activites.

Come with your whole whānau to learn through fun and activities how we can 'Bee' blessed.

Activities start at 4pm, and will finish our celebrations together with a meal. We cater for dairyfree, gluten free and vegan diets, If you have any other dietry requrements please let us know. 

This is a great intergenerational event to bring all your friends and family to. 

Please contact Helen with any questions. 


This form helps us make sure we have enough of each activity and kai for everyone, please indicate below whether you'll be coming or not (even a maybe is ok :))

Thanks so much for letting us know you're not able to make it this time, our next Messy Church is on Saturday 28th October, we look forward to seeing you then. 

Please sign up for our newsletter below to keep up to date with our latest Messy Church news.   

Check out our website to see all the events happening across our Parish for Advent this year

Ngā manaakitanga, Helen

  • There are currently no events available for registration.

Tip: If you choose "other", please email with your special requirements

Thanks for signing up to receive our newsletter, we'll add you to our database. 

If you have any questions in the meantime please get in touch with Helen at